Designs of the new offices of the US-based soft­ware devel­op­ment company were inspired by mobility and dynamic devel­op­ment; trans­lated into visual language this means that Dealogic’s offices reflect the func­tions of a bust­ling and innov­ative metro­polis. This is how the 1400-square-metre Dealogic City came into exist­ence on the first floor of the Eiffel Square Office Building between April and October 2016. These offices accom­modate 156 people.

Facts and figures

  • Our client: Bukovszky Péter
  • Interior Design: Szegő Gábor, Hitka András, Gáti Anna, Szabó Andrea
  • Area: 1400 m2
  • Year of design: 2016